Science and News

New Clinic Photoshoot.
What do you think I need to add to the walls to make this a great photoshoot? The walls are mostly bare. What would you add? Let me know in the comments....
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Parker Chiropractic Seminars Las Vegas 2022
Every February I go to Parker Seminars in Las Vegas! In this article, I review the classes I took. ...
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How to describe movement in anatomy.
Human anatomy is essential to me as a chiropractor, and of course, students studying anatomy and physiology. When you start studying anatomy, you start by looking at the human body in a static, non-moving position. However, you quickly want to know how the body moves. Because when you can understand...
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See how lifting a bucket can put over 700lbs on your back.
In this video, the instructor calculates how lifting a modest bucket can put over 560lbs of force on your back muscles and over 700lbs of force on your intervertebral discs! Later in the video, see how your body instinctively creates more force by holding your breath. This Valsalva maneuver will cre...
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Stanford's Exam for Knee Pain
In my last post, I posted a video to Oxford University's approach to a knee examination. In this video, we review Stanford's approach. A school a little closer to home: Brought to you by Dr. Brinda Christopher, a Sports Medicine Physician. Start the examination by looking at tests for ligament injur...
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Oxford's Knee Examination
This video shows a systematic approach to a knee examination from start to finish. Brought to you by Oxford Medical Education....
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Nasa Astronaut Postpones Spacewalk because of a "Pinched Nerve" in his Neck.
A NASA astronaut said Tuesday that he pulled out of a spacewalk this week because of a pinched nerve in his neck. NASA canceled Tuesday's spacewalk at the International Space Station less than 24 hours in advance, citing "a minor medical issue" with Mark Vande Hei but didn't elaborate. The retired A...
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How your immune system works
In simile terms, this video explains in cartoons how your immune system works. How it wards off invaders. What kinds of cells are involved. This is a great intro to the lay person to learn how it all works, and it’s helpful for those like me who took physiology, but do not apply these terms [&hell...
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Early August: Progress on new office.
They're putting up my sign today! Yesterday, tuesday, my sign maker Amber took down the old Max Muscle "nutrition" sign, and she started putting up the new chiropractic care sign. I think it looks fantastic: It's still not completely done. They need to attach the fronts of the letters,...
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Is your neck pain associated with other symptoms in your body?
A January 2020 paper published in the European Spine Journal wanted to see if there was an association between symptoms throughout your body and muscle and joint dysfunction. If your neck is bothering you, will it bother your whole body? In many ways, it makes sense. To start, your neck is awfully c...
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Petaluma Chiropractor

Chiropractic Services

Chiropractic care

Chiropractic Adjustments

Hands-on and instrument-assisted chiropractic care. To your comfort.
Home exercise program

Home Exercise

Exercises for your stage of the healing process. A powerful combo with chiro.
Neuro Exam

Neuro Exam

Documenting the effects of an injury that might have affected the way your nervous system works.
Orthopedic Examination

Ortho Exam

Range of motion and joint weight-bearing might have been affected by your injury. We document it.
Interferential muscle stim


Acute injuries to muscles might need interferential stimulation to relax from an injury.
Shockwave Therapy


Older injuries sometimes might need a deeper type of soft tissue therapy to chase away scar tissue.


Document and assess movement patterns after an injury and before sports activities.
Kinetic Tape


A great way to support and stabilize injured muscles and joints. logo Petaluma chiropractor
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