A Chiropractor in Petaluma who accepts HSA (Health Savings Accounts.)

Todd Lloyd
April 24, 2022

Personal health insurance is not *total coverage*, but your HSA or FSA card through your employer is total coverage for your care. How? Insurance companies say they cover your chiropractic costs, but they only cover it up to a certain point, and often under administrative scrutiny to maximize their own profits, and reduce their own costs, they will try to cut your insurance coverage for services like chiropractic care.

Fortunately, you might have an HSA card in your wallet with a Visa or Mastercard logo on it that acts just like a debit card. You can't use it at any old place, but you can use it to cover your costs at a chiropractic office. You use it just like a credit card. Any chiropractic office can accept it. We accept it. We've never had a problem with it.

Using "Superbills"

Sometimes the HSA requires a detailed receipt to be submitted to them to prove what you did at the chiropractic office is covered service, and it was a legit charge. All the stuff we do in this office is covered by your HSA. If you ask, we can give you a "superbill" that shows the procedures and diagnostic codes for every visit. It will match up with what you got charged.

A part of a Superbill, used to help justify the costs used with a health savings account.
This is a little snapshot of a Superbill I just provided a patient in our Petaluma office. He came in with acute back pain that was "discogenic" in nature. Since this was his first visit with us, I used the procedure code 99202, which was a relatively simple examination. He's going to use the full sheet to prove to his HSA provider that he used his funds in an appropriate way.

Consumer Directed Healthcare Plans (CDHP)

An HSA is a type of "consumer directed healthcare plan." These plans were developed as a way for you, the healthcare consumer, to make your own decisions, and take the decision making process away from the insurance companies. The goal is to allow you to make a more active role in your own health.

Want to do chiropractic care instead of another pain killer? You can use your HSA as your own self-directed care. You know what's better for you than your insurance company.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act (PPACA) played a big role in making HSA accounts more widespread. This is Obamacare. Consumer directed plans are a just a part of Obamacare, and they are sometimes only eligible to fill the gap in your high deductible insurance plan.

These are the types of CDHP options

  • Health Savings Accounts (HSA). Tax free payments for healthcare expenses. You are empowered to spend your healthcare dollars how you see fit. Funds for care are held by a company who pays your chiropractor when you swipe your card. These funds roll over to the next year. You have to have a high-deductible plan to have an HSA
  • Flexible Spending Account (FSA). This is similar to an HSA, but these funds do not require a high deductible insurance policy, and they can be used for other expenses besides healthcare. We also accept FSA cards just like you're using a debit card to pay for care. These funds are owned by the employer and not the employee, and they do not roll over from year to year. So, when it comes to the end of the year for your FSA funds, you better pay a trip to your chiropractor.
  • Medicare Medical Savings Account (MSA). This is a consumer driven option for Medicare recipients that takes the place of Medicare gap insurance. In chiropractic practice, Medicare only pays for the adjustment self, and they do not pay for the examination or other forms of treatment. If you have a Medicare medical savings account, then it will help defray the cost of your care.
  • Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA). This is an employer-sponsored plan where the employee has control of their funds. Usually, these plans allow you to roll over the money saved from year to year. This kind of plan usually results in less need for an expensive high-coverage insurance plan.
  • Voluntary Employee Benefit Associations (VEBA). This is a plan that is made up by a group of employees who organized them selves to negotiate certain rates for their plan. This is an unusual situation.
  • Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (MEWA). This is a situation where two or more unrelated employers and self-employed people establish a health benefit plan this can be done through an insurance plan their other type of funding. This type of arrangement is designed to give small employers access to low cost health coverage on terms simpler to those available to bigger employers.

Obviously, health savings accounts help you make your own decisions for your healthcare. They make it easier for you to come see the chiropractor without the hassle of getting the insurance companies involved. This is a more direct transaction for your care in our office. Using a health savings account allows us to get paid directly without the hassle of pre-qualifying our services for your care. Using your health seems to count in our office also allows us to provide care to you that is less costly than what it costs us to process payments to insurance companies.

- Neck and upper back pain relief in Petaluma
HSA graphic

You might be wondering if we take your HSA or FSA cards as payment for chiropractic care (in Petaluma.) The answer is...

Service Type: Chiropractor, HSA cards, FSA cards

Todd Lloyd
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