If you have State Farm car insurance, and you have been in a car accident, you might be wondering what your options are for care. Chiropractors are the best kind of doctor to treat neck and back injuries form car accidents as long as you have been cleared and stable from the emergency department. We don't treat bleeds.
Before I went to chiropractic college, I worked for a State Farm agent. State Farm is a big insurance company with a long reputation. They take pride in giving you many different options for car insurance coverage. I suggest adding medical payments coverage for a very low price but for a lot more coverage. It really helps you get the chiropractic care you need after an accident.
If you already purchased medical payments coverage through State Farm, then congratulations, you can come right into our office to get treatment after a car accident claim has been opened. You'll want to do this as soon as you are injured so you heal with good function.
State Farm's website explains all of your insurance options. Medical Payments is an important part. What they don't specifically tell you is that chiropractic care is covered with medical payments. All the way covered.
However, maybe you didn't buy Medical payments coverage. That's okay, we can still help you with your injury recovery. In some cases, we will work with you and an attorney with a 3-way agreement called a lien. A lien is a way that you receive care, our office provides care for later payment, and your attorney looks out for you and recovery from State Farm. We accept liens in our office, while many other chiropractors do not.
If you have been in a car accident in Petaluma or the surrounding Sonoma County, then click on the orange button above to book an appointment for a free car accident consultation.