Before receiving chiropractic care, your chiropractor should be doing a neurologica examination that is focused on your chief complaint. This means that if you were involved in a car accident and you have a whiplash injury to your neck, a neurological examination should be done on your upper extremities. It's common to have nerve compression in your neck asked her and injury that can cause numbness and tingling in your fingertips.
Further, after an injury, it is common to have a concussion. Your chiropractor should do a neurological examination of your cranial nerves. Your cranial nerves are 12 pairs of nerves that exit your skull, and there are standardized tests to test for any soft neurological lesions.
Sometimes neurological complaints are the chief complaint. People often come to this office because they have numbness or tingling in the hands. This is usually from the nerve compression. In order to find out the best way to treat you, we need to do a neurological examination to find out where that nerve compression is. Is it in the neck? Is it in the shoulders? We need to find out in order to provide you with effective care.